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To Empty Recycle Bin by using Command Prompt

To Empty Recycle Bin for all users and specific drive in Command Prompt in windows 10

1. Open a command prompt

2. Enter the command below you want to use into the command prompt, and press Enter.

(Empty Recycle Bin for all drives)
 PowerShell Clear-RecycleBin -force -ErrorAction:Ignore


(Empty Recycle Bin for specific drive)
 PowerShell Clear-RecycleBin -DriveLetter <drive letter> -force -ErrorAction:Ignore

 Substitute <drive letter> in the command above with the actual drive letter (ex: "C") you want to empty the Recycle Bin for.

For example: PowerShell Clear-RecycleBin -DriveLetter C -force -ErrorAction:Ignore

3. When finished, you can close the command prompt if you like.

 The Recycle Bin desktop icon will not automatically refresh to the empty icon using this option. You can open and close the Recycle Bin to refresh the icon.

That's it,

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